International Women’s Day: Working to Enhance Women’s Health
International Women’s Day is a great time to highlight the difference Germitec is making to improve infection prevention in women’s health. Published research papers have shown that ultrasound probes used in pelvic examinations are a potential source of patient-to-patient transmission of human papillomavirus (HPV), posing a new challenge.
Introducing Chronos® UV-C
To reduce HPV cross-infection risk, Germitec’s Chronos® UV-C high level disinfection system has been rigorously tested to kill two high-risk cancer strains found in HPV, strains 16 and 18. Research has proven high-risk HPV cancer strains cause over 90% of cervical cancers.1
Cervical Cancer: The Facts
In 2020, an estimated 604,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer worldwide, and about 340,000 women died from the disease. Cervical cancer was the seventh most common cancer globally, the ninth most common cause of cancer death in the world and the fourth most common cause of cancer death among women in 2020.1-4
Also, several research studies have shown the potential risk of cross-infection during pelvic ultrasound examinations when High-Level Disinfection is not the standard of practice.5
Germitec’s focus on infection prevention ensures quality health outcomes when using ultrasound in women's health.
- https://www.iarc.who.int/infographics/cervical-cancer-awareness-month-2021/
- Saraiya, M., Unger, E., Thompson, T., Lynch, C., Hernandez, B., Lyu, C., Steinau, M., Watson, M., Wilkinson, E., Hopenhayn, C., Copeland, G., Cozen, W., Peters, E., Huang, Y., Saber, M., Altekruse, S. and Goodman, M. (2016). US Assessment of HPV Types in Cancers: Implications for Current and 9-Valent HPV Vaccines.
- Tota et al. (2011) Epidemiology and burden of HPV infection and related diseases: implications for prevention strategies. Prev Med. 53 Suppl 1: S12-21.
- World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). Cervical cancer. [online] Available at: https://www.who.int/health-topics/cervical-cancer#tab=tab_1 [Accessed 21 Fe. 2020].
- Westerway SC, & Basseal JM,(2020) Endocavity Ultrasound Transducers: Why High-Level Disinfection Is Necessary – Ultraschall Med DOI: 10.1055/a-1168-6602