
How Chronos® and Antigermix® UV-C HLD optimise workflows and maximise the number of patients seen, while guaranteeing quality of care.
“It ticks all the boxes! The disinfection process is now so fast that I have been able to do five times my usual number of vaginal ultrasounds every day. I am extremely pleased with the equipment. I have waited for this kind of solution for a long time, and now I don’t know what I would do without it!”
“We have reduced our stock of probes and are able to carry out between 15 and 20 follicular punctures in a morning with a single probe with no risk of infection.”
“The quicker the machine, the more efficient the service and the less pressure we experience.”
“In particular it saves time, is easy to use, and very user friendly (no evaporation of the disinfectant), particularly in consultation and gynecological emergencies. This disinfection method merits being more widely known.”
“Chronos® also guarantees the traceability of the procedure and integrates the disinfection report in the digital file without an impact on the workflow.”
“I can be sure that the probes I use for my IVF treatments are disinfected and that gives me real peace of mind. What’s more, speed of disinfection is a determining factor. With Chronos®, the probe is ready for use in 90 seconds and I can get on with my consultation without having to worry about anything.”
“It uses UV-C energy, so there is no risk to healthcare professionals or patients, or waste or consumables. As a procedure it is particularly fast and easy to use, with automated traceability which confirms that disinfection has been successful. We have four Chronos® machines, one for each endocavity ultrasound. Chronos® meets all our expectations and those of our patients, whether they have voiced these or not. It fits seamlessly into the way we work. Thanks to the ultrafast UV-C energy, we can systematically carry out an HLD between each patient without losing time. It should be remembered that a doctor carries out more than 15 of such examinations every day.”
“8 minute, harsh on probe, chemical disinfection or 90 second, chemical free disinfection, is there really a choice here to be made? Best decision we’ve made for our ultrasound department and our environment.”
“Leaving aside the fact that chemical disinfection requires staff to be present throughout the 20-minute process, the products used change regularly depending on new standards and, importantly, this disinfection procedure is increasingly known to damage probes. With Chronos® UV-C disinfection, we no longer have this problem.”