GE HealthCare Probe Compatible With Germitec UV-C HLD
30 GE HealthCare has announced that an additional 70 ultrasound probes are compatible with Germitec’s chemical-free and ultrafast UV-C high-level disinfection (HLD) technology.
Contact us to find out if your ultrasound probes are approved for use with Chronos® and Antigermix®.
GERMITEC is Compatible With 1,000+ Probes
GERMITEC has tested more than 1,000 ultrasound probes from numerous globally known manufacturers (Philips, Sonosite, Siemens, BK, Mindray, Samsung, Cannon, Hitachi Alkoa, Esaote, Butterfly, Ge HealthCare, Hologic, and more).
The list of compatible probes is regularly updated as the number of our clients continues to grow. Germitec is looking forward to working with new players in the expanding point-of-care ultrasound market. Together, we can provide a better and safer working environment in probe disinfection at the point of care.
For further information on ultrasound probe compatibility, please contact Germitec for a comprehensive probe compatibility list.